Reading Buses (

Recommend Method : Interactive Map

To find the naptan (ID) code for the bus stop you wish to view in Reading you can use the map bellow, simply click on the bus stop you want to find out it's naptan code.

Be Sure to click the "Full Screen" button to view the map properly.

Alternative : Open Street Maps Method

If you can not find the stop you are looking you can searching for it on Open Street maps here.

  1. On zoom right in on a stop you're interested in
  2. Click the layers picker button on the right hand side
  3. Tick the 'map data' layer, and wait for clickable objects to load
  4. Click the bus stop node to reveal its tags on the left

Manual Alternative : Using Reading Buses API (Advanced)

Not all regions have their Naptan data imported, If you still can not find the stop you need, you will have to manual search for it by going to the following site, but make sure to input in your own API Key.[YOUR API KEY HERE]

If using chrome you may also want to download this extension to make the JSON file more readable.

Any UK Bus Stop (

Recommend Method : Open Street Map

To find the naptan code for any UK bus stop the recommended approach is to use Open Street maps here. Read above on how to use the site properly.

Alternative : Bus Stop Checker Website

If you can not find the stop you want, you can try going to Once again open the site and then try searching to find the bus stop you want and click on it to get it's ID.

Manual Alternative : Transport API Tool (Advanced)

If the above still are not workinbg, input your information into the bellow boxes and search for the code in the data.

If using chrome you may also want to download this extension to make the JSON file more readable.

Longitude of Bus Stop:

Latitude of Bus Stop:

Transport API Key:

Transport API ID:

Manual Alternative : Government Naptan Data (Advanced)

If this also fails then you could download your regions naptan data and search through it all here.

Any UK Train Station (

To find the ID for a train station in the UK simply goto the following site You simply want the three character CRS code.

London Underground (

The easiest way to find a London Underground Tube Station ID number is via the following website:

Once on the site find the tube station you want to view and look at the URL for the page, it should look somthing like the example below:

The value between the 'stop/' and '/' is the ID number for the tube station. For example the ID for the above URL is '940GZZLUWLA'. Use this code as the station ID for the program.