Reading Buses API V3.0.0
A C#, .net Standard Library for the Reading Buses Open Data API (, available to use in your C# console, WPF, UWP or Win Form Applications.
ReadingBusesAPI.TimeTable Namespace Reference


class  HistoricJourney
 A historical journey, one that has happened in the past. More...
class  HistoricVisit
 Represents a single instance of a bus visiting at a specific bus stop in the past. More...
class  Journey
 Represents a journey, which is a grouping of Visit objects, or a specific service doing one single direction of the route. A timetable for a service is made up of multiple journeys. More...
class  ScheduledJourneysApi
 Contains the logic to call upon the Scheduled Journeys API. More...
class  TrackingHistoryApi
 Contains the logic to call upon the Tracking History API. More...
class  Visit
 Represents a single instance of a bus visiting at a specific bus stop. More...